Universitas Gadjah Mada At A Glance

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is the first national university established by the Independent Indonesia in 1949. Since its establishment, UGM has been consistently educating curious minds, not only of Indonesia’s but also international community. In 2018, for example, UGM had around 2300 international students from 91 countries studying in different field of studies. They studied at UGM together with more than 50,000 Indonesian students.


You can opt for many short (non-degree) programs we offer or longer ones of one or two semesters of exchange or immersion programs. You can certainly opt for degree programs either bachelor or postgraduate ones. Please feel free to explore our information portal before making up your mind. Should you have further inquiries, we are more than happy to assist you. See you in Yogyakarta Istimewa (special), the never-ending Asia.


Latest Events

Program Sarjana

Program sarjana bisa diikuti oleh lulusan SMA/SMK/MA/MAK, mempunyai beban studi 144-160 sks dan dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 8-14 semester.
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Program Pascasarjana

UGM menawarkan program studi lanjutan di tingkat S2 dan S3 yang diselenggarakan di fakultas serta sekolah Pascasarjana.
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Sekolah Vokasi

Sekolah Vokasi menawarkan berbagai program studi Diploma III dan Diploma IV yang berfokus untuk memperlengkapi mahasiswa dengan keterampilan yang relevan dengan tuntutan dunia kerja.
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Program Profesi

Program profesi diperuntukkan sebagai bagi lulusan program studi tertentu sebagai syarat untuk mendapatkan gelar keprofesian.
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