• (Updates as of October 7th, 2024. For more information, please visit imigrasi.go.id)


    • Valid for 30 days, non-extendable
    • No fee
    • Single entry

    Permitted Activities
    1. Tourism
    2. Visiting family
    3. Transit to another country
    Description of Activities
    Visiting a specific location for recreational, personal development, or educational purposes, which may include exploring tourist attractions, traveling by yacht, or attending meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions.

    1. Engage in activities related to tourism and visiting family or friends
    2. Participating in meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions as an attendee
    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. National passport that is valid for at least 6 months
    2. Return ticket or onward ticket to continue the journey to another country.
    For list of countries eligible for visa exemption, please check here. 


    • Valid for 30 days, extendable once for another 30 days
    • Fee: Rp500.000
    • Single entry

    Permitted Activities
    1. Tourism
    2. Visiting family
    3. Transit to another country
    Description of Activities
    Visiting a specific location for recreational, personal development, or educational purposes, which may include exploring tourist attractions, traveling by yacht, or attending meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions.

    1. Engaging in activities related to tourism, and visiting family or friends,
    2. Participating in meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions as an attendee.
    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. National passport that is valid for at least 6 months
    2. Return ticket or onward ticket to continue the journey to another country
    3. Proof of payment of immigration fees according to the provisions of laws and regulations
    For list of countries eligible for Visa on Arrival, please check here.


    • Valid for two months or 60 days, extendable twice (each extension grants an additional two months)
    • Fee: Rp 2.000.000
    • Single entry

    Permitted Activities
    Participation in study visits, short courses, and short training.

    Description of Activities
    Engage in academic or professional short-term programs.

    1. Engage in activities related to providing humanitarian assistances
    2. Engage in activities related to tourism, and visiting family or friends
    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. Travel documents that are valid for at least 6 months
    2. Guarantee proof from a guarantor
    3. Proof of having sufficient living expenses while in Indonesian territory
    4. Recent colored passport-sized photo, white background (see example here)
    5. Proof of registration or a statement confirming participation in a study visit, short course, or short training from a government agency or private institution.


    • Valid for two months or 60 days, extendable twice (each extension grants an additional two months)
    • Visa holders are allowed to receive compensation from individual or corporations in Indonesia
    • Fee: Rp2.000.000
    • Single entry

    Permitted Activities
    Giving lectures or attending seminars

    Description of Activities
    Participating in meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions or similar events as a speaker, lecturer, presenter, or influential figure

    1. Participate as a speaker, lecturer, presenter, or influential figure in meetings, incentives, conventions, exhibitions, fan meetings, or similar events
    2. Receive compensation, wages, or equivalent from individuals or corporations in Indonesia
    3. Engage in activities related to tourism, and visiting family or friends
    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. Travel documents that are valid for at least 6 months
    2. Guarantee proof from a guarantor
    3. Proof of having sufficient living expenses while in Indonesian territory
    4. Recent colored passport-sized photo, white background (see example here)
    5. Invitation letter from the event organizer explaining the details of the agenda and the topics of the lectures/seminars to be presented


    • Valid for six months, extendable once for an additional six months
    • Fee: Rp 6.000.000
    • Single entry

    Permitted Activities
    Academic internship

    Description of Activities
    Completing a mandatory internship as stipulated in the academic curriculum abroad

    1. Engage in activities related to mandatory internship as stipulated in the academic curriculum abroad
    2. Engage in activities related to tourism, and visiting family or friends
    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. Travel documents that are valid for at least 6 months
    2. Guarantee proof from a guarantor
    3. Proof of having sufficient living expenses while in Indonesian territory
    4. Recent colored passport-sized photo, white background (see example here)
    5. Internship contract or statement from government agency or private institution as the host of the internship program


    • For students enrolled in bachelor’s degree program, or other programs with duration more than six months
    • Fee: Rp2.700.000 + 150 USD (1 year), Rp3.950.000 + 150 USD (2 years)
    • Multiple entry

    Permitted Activities
    Pursuing education at a higher education level

    Description of Activities
    Study in diploma or bachelor's degree programs

    1. Engage in activities related to education
    2. Bring family members to live in Indonesia as long as it complies with immigration laws and regulations
    3. Enter and leave the territory of Indonesia as long as the Re-entry Permit is still valid
    4. Engage in activities related to tourism, and visiting family or friends
    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. Travel documents that are valid for at least 6 months
    2. Guarantee proof from a guarantor (corporation or educational institution attended by the foreign nationals)
    3. Proof of having sufficient living expenses while in Indonesian territory
    4. Recent colored passport-sized photo, white background (see example here)
    5. Proof stating that the foreign nationals have been accepted by a corporation or educational institution in Indonesia and duration of the educational program to be undertaken.


    • For students enrolled in master’s degree program, or other programs with duration more than six months
    • Fee: Rp2.700.000 + 150 USD (1 year), Rp3.950.000 + 150 USD (2 years)
    • Multiple entry

    Permitted Activities
    Pursuing education at a higher education level

    Description of Activities
    Study in master's degree programs

    1. Engaging in activities related to education
    2. Bringing family members to live in Indonesia as long as it complies with immigration laws and regulations
    3. Entering and leaving the territory of Indonesia as long as the Re-entry Permit is still valid
    4. Engaging in activities related to tourism, and visiting family or friends
    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. Travel documents that are valid for at least 6 months
    2. Guarantee proof from a guarantor (corporation or educational institution attended by the foreign nationals)
    3. Proof of having sufficient living expenses while in Indonesian territory
    4. Recent colored passport-sized photo, white background (see example here)
    5. Proof stating that the foreign nationals have been accepted by a corporation or educational institution in Indonesia and duration of the educational program to be undertaken.


    • For students enrolled in doctoral degree program, or other programs with duration more than six months
    • Fee Rp2.700.000 + 150 USD (1 year), Rp3.950.000 + 150 USD (2 year)
    • Multiple entry

    Permitted Activities
    Pursuing education at a higher education level

    Description of Activities
    Study in doctoral degree programs

    1. Engage in activities related to education
    2. Bring family members to live in Indonesia as long as it complies with immigration laws and regulations
    3. Enter and leave the territory of Indonesia as long as the Re-entry Permit is still valid
    4. Engage in activities related to tourism, and visiting family or friends
    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. Travel documents that are valid for at least 6 months
    2. Guarantee proof from a guarantor (corporation or educational institution attended by the foreign nationals)
    3. Proof of having sufficient living expenses while in Indonesian territory
    4. Recent colored passport-sized photo, white background (see example here)
    5. Proof stating that the foreign nationals have been accepted by a corporation or educational institution in Indonesia and duration of the educational program to be undertaken.


    • Research visa
    • Fee: Rp 2.700.000 + 150 USD (1 tahun) dan Rp 3.950.000 + 150 USD (2 tahun)
    • Multiple entry

    Permitted Activities
    Scientific research

    Description of Activities
    Conducting scientific research

    1. Engage in activities related to research
    2. Bring family members to live in Indonesia as long as it complies with immigration laws and regulations
    3. Enter and leave the territory of Indonesia as long as the Re-entry Permit is still valid
    4. Engage in activities related to tourism, and visiting family or friends
    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. Travel documents that are valid for at least 6 months
    2. Guarantee proof from a guarantor (corporation or educational institution attended by the foreign nationals)
    3. Proof of having sufficient living expenses while in Indonesian territory
    4. Recent colored passport-sized photo, white background (see example here)
    5. Research permit from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). For more information, please refer to klirensetik.brin.go.id.


    • Fee Rp1.800.000 + 150 USD (6 months), Rp2.700.000 + 150 USD (1 year)
    • Multiple entry
    • Can be used for work-related activities, particularly teaching activities, attending seminar or workshop as speaker
    • Eligible to receive wages or compensation from individual or corporation in Indonesia

    Permitted Activities
    1. Work as an expert staff
    2. Employment in Indonesia
    Description of Activities
    Perform a job in an employment relationship with a guarantor

    1. Engage in activities related to the work in the employment relationship
    2. Bring family members to live in Indonesia as long as it complies with immigration laws and regulations
    3. Enter and leave the territory of Indonesia as long as the Re-Entry Permit is still valid
    4. Pursue education as long as the Re-Entry Permit has been activated* and still valid
    5. Engage in activities related to the investment
    6. Engage in activities related to tourism, and visiting family or friends
    *) Re-Entry Permit will be automatically activated upon arrival in Indonesia

    Visa Application Requirements:
    1. Travel documents that are valid for at least 6 months
    2. Guarantee proof from a guarantor (corporation or educational institution attended by the foreign nationals)
    3. Proof of having sufficient living expenses while in Indonesian territory
    4. Recent colored passport-sized photo, white background (see example here)
    5. Permit from the Ministry of Education (contact OIA UGM for more details)
    6. Permit from the Ministry of Manpower (contact OIA UGM for more details)
  • ITAS (Izin Tinggal Terbatas or Limited Stay Permit) is an electronic identity card for limited stay in Indonesia. You will get an ITAS if you come to Indonesia on a visa with one of these visa indexes: E30B, E30C, E30D, E29, and E23Q. 

    You will get your ITAS in your email once you have reported yourself to OIA UGM upon arrival in Yogyakarta. Thus, it is crucial that you come to OIA UGM to complete all the immigration processes when you arrive in Yogyakarta. 

    As ITAS is in the form of electronic document/soft copy, it is accessible anytime and anywhere. Wherever you go, you can show this ITAS to Immigration officers or other authorities without the obligation of keeping the physical card that is prone to getting lost.

    Procedure of receiving ITAS:

    ITAS Extension

    Currently, there are two different versions of ITAS that is valid:
    1. ITAS issued before February 2024 with visa index C316, C315, and C312 (see example here)
    2. ITAS issued after February 2024 with visa index E30B, E30C, E30D, E29, and E23Q (see the example here)
    You are required to process your ITAS extension three months before the expiry date. The required documents for the extension of both ITAS versions are:
    1. Copy of passport (see example here)
    2. Latest photograph, soft copy and hard copy (2 pcs) (see example here)
    3. Latest ITAS
    4. Arrival stamp or sticker on your passport
    5. Financial Support Statement, for non-scholarship students only (use this template
    6. Personal Statement, for students only (use this template)
    7. Academic Transcript from your faculty (students only)
    8. Good Health Statement from Applicant's Doctor (use this template)
    9. Police Report (Surat Tanda Melapor) from the regional police station (POLDA)*
    10. Extended study permit, for students only (will be handled by OIA) 
    11. Temporary Residence Permit (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal) from the Civil Registry Office (Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil)*
    12. Extended research permit (researchers only)
    13. Work permit (lecturers and other position categorized as worker only)
    *) OIA will provide sponsor letters to obtain it

    ITAS Extension Process with Visa Index C316, C315, C312
    1. Send email to itas.oia@ugm.ac.id cc admission@ugm.ac.id to request for ITAS extension. In the same email, you need to ask for a sponsor letter for a Police Report (STM) and Temporary Residence Permit (SKTT).
    2. Visit OIA to pick up sponsor letters, 3 working days after your request. Please bring 2 pieces of materai 10000 (see example here). You are also required to fill and sign immigration forms No. 24 and 25.
    3. Visit the regional police station to get STM (see map here) and civil registry office to get SKTT. The location of the civil registry office depends on your address, whether it is in Kota Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Sleman, or Kabupaten Bantul.
    4. Send all required documents, except your passport as you need to hand it in to OIA, to itas.oia@ugm.ac.id cc admission@ugm.ac.id (international.support@ugm.ac.id for researchers and lecturers).
    5. For students, the ITAS extension will be processed after the study permit has been issued by the Ministry of Education.
    6. OIA will check the documents. If all the documents are completed, OIA will then process the ITAS extension at the immigration office.
    7. You will receive the ITAS extension bill. The amount fee depends on the ITAS extension period. This is NOT applicable for students under certain scholarship, especially scholarship sponsored by the Indonesian government such as KNB and TIAS.
    8. A day after payment completed, you are required to visit immigration office at UGM for biometric photo and fingerprint (map: http://ugm.id/imigrasi).
    9. Once issued, the extended ITAS will be sent by email and you can then pick up your passport at OIA.

    ITAS Extension Process with Visa Index E30B, E30C, E30D, E29, and E23Q
    1. Send email to itas.oia@ugm.ac.id cc admission@ugm.ac.id to request for ITAS extension. In the same email, you need to ask for a sponsor letter for a Police Report (STM) and Temporary Residence Permit (SKTT).
    2. Visit OIA to pick up sponsor letters, 3 working days after your request. Please bring 2 pieces of materai 10000 (see example here). You are also required to fill and sign immigration forms No. 24 and 25.
    3. Visit the regional police station to get STM (see map here) and civil registry office to get SKTT. The location of the civil registry office depends on your address, whether it is in Kota Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Sleman, or Kabupaten Bantul.
    4. Send all required documents, except your passport as you need to hand it in to OIA, to itas.oia@ugm.ac.id cc admission@ugm.ac.id (international.support@ugm.ac.id for researchers and lecturers).
    5. For students, the ITAS extension will be processed after the study permit has been issued by the Ministry of Education.
    6. OIA will check the documents. If all the documents are completed, OIA will then process the ITAS extension, 30 days before the ITAS expires at the earliest.
    7. You will receive the ITAS extension bill. The amount fee depends on the ITAS extension period. This is NOT applicable for students under certain scholarship, especially scholarship sponsored by the Indonesian government such as KNB and TIAS.
    8. Once issued, the extended ITAS will be sent by email and you can then pick up your passport at OIA.
    1. Study Permit Study Permit is issued by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education that states that you are given permission to study in Indonesia. It should take one to two weeks to make a study permit submission via the Ministry’s official site (it might be accomplished earlier if there is no incomplete/incorrect documents). Study permit is one of the requirements to apply for Telex Visa, extend visa and extend ITAS.
    2. Temporary Residential Card (SKTT) Temporary Residential Card (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal/SKTT) is an identification card issued by local Department of Population and Civil Registration (Disdukcapil). SKTT is one of the requirements for ITAS extension.
    3. Letter of Police Registration Police Registration Letter (Surat Tanda Melapor/STM) is a letter that is issued by Indonesian Police to record foreigners’ stay in Indonesia. STM is used to extend study permit, apply for a new SKTT, extend SKTT and apply for driving licence.
  • ITAS holders are required to apply for EPO (Exit Permit Only) before leaving Indonesia. EPO will inactivate your ITAS and therefore you will need a new visa to enter the country in the future. You need to apply for EPO by yourself at the Immigration Office where you are registered (Immigration Office Yogyakarta). EPO must be processed immediately prior to your departure date. You can start processing your EPO two weeks prior to your departure date.

    Following are the documents that you need to apply for your EPO:
    1. Original passport
    2. Copy of passport
    3. Copy of passport page with your ITAS stamp
    4. Printed ITAS
    5. Copy of flight ticket
    6. Immigration forms (you will get this at the Immigration Office)
    7. Sponsor letter (from OIA UGM)
    8. Copy of Sponsor ID

    Once you submit all these documents, you will be handed a receipt with the pick-up date on it. On the stated date, go back to Immigration Office and pick up your passport with EPO stamp in it. Check the stamp to make sure that it is the correct date of your departure.

    Important: You can leave Indonesia from any port in any city (for example, you want to leave Indonesia from Jakarta or Denpasar, Bali). However, please be informed that you still have to pick up your passport in Immigration Office in Yogyakarta within seven days prior to your departure date.

  • Report to OIA upon Arrival in Yogyakarta

    International students are required to report to Office of International Affairs UGM (Address: Bulaksumur F12-13, UGM Campus, Sleman, D. I Yogyakarta, Indonesia – Google Maps: http://bit.ly/OIAUGM) maximum one week after arrival in Indonesia. The purpose is mainly to convert your VITAS into ITAS. This process is MANDATORY because VITAS will expire in 30 days after student’s arrival and it means you will stay in the country illegally (overstay) if you do not immediately convert it to ITAS.

    At OIA, you have to complete a number of required documents with the assistance of OIA staffs. After the completion of all documents, OIA will help you deliver your documents to the local Immigration Office in Yogyakarta and notify you once the document is ready.


    If you stay in Indonesia for longer period than the validity of your visa or stay permit, it is considered as overstay. Example:
    1. You entered Indonesia on the 1st of September using the visa on arrival which is valid for 30 days. It means that the validity will be until 30th of September and each day after that date would count as ‘overstay’.
    2. You entered Indonesia on 1st of September using VITAS that is valid for 30 days. Until the 30th day of your stay, you have not started processing the conversion of your VITAS to ITAS. As long as you do not process your ITAS, each day after the visa expiration would count as overstay.
    If the overstay is 60 days or less, the consequence is paying fine. As of 2016 regulation, the fine is Rp.1.000.000 per day. However, if the overstay exceeds 60 days, there might also be further investigation from Immigration, deportation, blacklist to re-enter Indonesia in certain period, and other unfavorable consequences. WARNING: Failure to fulfil the above administrative process and all the consequences due to overstay will be your own responsibility. Please consult with OIA UGM shall you have any inquiries regarding the visa and immigration matters.
  • Foreign nationals who come from these countries might have different timeframe and process in the visa application:

    1. Afghanistan
    2. Israel
    3. North Korea
    4. Liberia
    5. Nigeria
    6. Somalia