Rights &
Code of Ethics
Universitas Gadjah Mada was founded to play a role in the development of knowledge, technology and art that aims to obtain the reality and truth in accordance with the ethics of science and technology, which includes being open, universal, objective, critical and useful for the benefit of society.
In the light of our values, the students of Universitas Gadjah Mada must have the freedom to carry out the human nature to achieve reality and truth, through the academic freedom.
To ensure the implementation of academic freedom will be carried out properly in Universitas Gadjah Mada, it is necessary to make binding provisions based on values or norms named the UGM Student Code of Ethics.
The UGM Student Code of Ethics applies to students in carrying out their duties and obligations both as individuals and as an academic community. This is aligned with the fact that students have always been an honorable role model for the community alongside with the tasks of carrying the nation’s future.
To manifest the nobility of students, a guideline of a code conduct is displayed as the UGM Student Code of Ethics formulated below.
Chapter 1
Rights and Obligations
Article 1
- Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have the rights to:
- Get adequate academic services;
- Use the available facilities responsibly;
- Being active in students organizations;
- Express opinions politely and responsibly;
- Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have the obligations to:
- Believe and fear God while also upholds the law based on Pancasila and Undang – Undang Dasar 1945;
- Uphold morals with full of responsibility;
- Uphold the ethics of science and technology, which includes open, universal, objective, critical, and useful for the benefit of society;
Article 2
Every student is obliged to uphold academic freedom, namely maintaining and advance science, technology and art through study, research, discussion or disseminate responsibly based on scientific principles, including:
- Honesty, broad insight, togetherness, and scientific way of thinking;
- Value the discoveries and opinions of others;
- Not solely for personal or group interests.
Article 3
Every student must express their opinion with courtesy and respect people’s rights, according to religion norms, obeying the laws and maintaining the nation’s unity.
Chapter 2
Students – University Relations
Article 4
Every student is obliged to:
- Uphold the reputation of the University;
- Comply with all the rules set by the University and Faculty, both that concerning academic and non-academic fields, including organizational activities;
- Always maintain campus facilities, cleanliness, security and also the harmony between the scholars;
- Always maintain the ceremony procession both at the University and Faculty without any objections which could diminish the solemnity of the ceremony;
- If students by any chance are doing something related and/or on behalf of the university, it has to be done with the approval from University or Faculty.
Chapter 3
Lecturer – Students Relations
Article 5
Every student is obliged to respect the lecturer both inside and outside the class which is manifested in the form of:
- Arrive on time during lectures or any other academic activities;
- Abstain from things and action that can be detrimental to the dignity of the lectures as a teacher;
- Politely provide corrections to the lecturer if somehow the lecturer’s opinion is wrong in the process of learning.
Article 6
Every student must always carry out the assignment given by the lecturer in order to expedite the completion of their studies widely, honestly and responsibly.
Chapter 4
Lecturer – Students Relations
Article 7
Every student is obliged to respect the University staff which is manifested in the form of:
- Ask for service politely;
- Patiently waiting for the service.
Chapter 5
Relations between Students
Article 8
Every student is obliged to develop the academic community among students by:
- Uphold and respect the right to academic freedom;
- Live up to the basics of social organization in the form of the University social duties by participating in organizing efforts to build, maintain, and develop social and cultural life;
- Live the basics of kinship in the administration of the University based on the bylaws of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Chapter 6
Student Obligation towards the Implementation of the Code of Ethics
Article 9
- Every student is obliged to pay attention and implement the Student Code of Ethics of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
- Violation of the Student Code of Ethics may result to moral sanctions and academic sanctions.
Chapter 7
Supervision of the Implementation of Student Code of Ethics
Article 10
- Assessment of the implementation of the UGM Student Code of Ethics is carried out by the Honorary Council of Student Code of Ethics.
- Composition and Membership of the UGM Code of Ethics Honorary Board is determined by the Chancellor of Universitas Gadjah Mada, consisting of students, lecturers and staff.
- The Honorary Council of Student Code of Ethics is authorized to accept, process, and decide on complaints of violation of the Student Code of Ethics.
Chapter 8
Matters that have not been regulated in the UGM Student Code of Ethics will be discussed by the Honorary Council of Student Code of Ethics
Student Code of Conduct
Behavior of Students as Campus Residents
Every student is obliged to:
- Live up to the values of Universitas Gadjah Mada;
- Understand and uphold the visions, missions and aims of the University;
- Maintain the good name and dignity of the University by obeying all the rules regulated by the University;
- Respect and abide honesty;
- Carry out academic activities responsibly;
- Carry our the tasks assigned by the University in a responsible manner;
- Respect the lecturers, education staff and fellow students;
- Maintain professional relationships with lecturers, staff and other students;
- Cultivating and maintaining the unity and integrity of the academic community;
- Respect differences of opinion and promote deliberation;
- Uphold academic freedom that is responsible, nurturing as well as advancing science, technology, arts and cultures; and
- Appreciate the inventions or work of others.
Every student is prohibited to:
- Do plagiarism, which includes but is not limited to:
- Quoting concepts, ideas, paraphrases, figures, tables, charts, and/or data without mentioning the source;
- Submitting and/or publishing academic works in part or entirely the same as what the other party had done;
- Claiming the work of others as one’s own work;
- Giving their work to another party to be submitted as an academic assignment and/or to be published; and
- Putting together the same job/academic work for different subjects (Self-plagiarism);
- Committing acts of academic fraud, which include but are not limited to:
- Be a student in an improper or fraudulent way;
- Open, reading, and/or quoting writings contained in books, documents and/or electronic media in closed examinations;
- Cooperate with other participants in the exam;
- Falsify and manipulate data;
- Fake a signature in the document; and
- Do assignments for others or replace others in exams, practicum, and/or other academic activities.
- Issuing opinions, taking action, and/or not preventing actions that can disturb the peace of the University;
- Do or not prevent actions that can damage the good name, dignity, and dignity of the University, either directly or indirectly;
- Perform actions that can affect the teaching and learning process and also results of the academic assessment by Lecturers;
- Doing something on behalf of the University without any approvals;
- Using an academic degree that is not their right;
- Damaging university’s environmental facilities;
- Interfering with the security, safety and comfort of the University;
- Littering the University environment;
- Violating lecture rules and learning contracts;
- Committing a criminal act;
- Doing immoral acts;
- Involved in the distribution, use and/or trafficking of narcotics, psychotropics, and other additives (NAPZA); and/or
- Registered as a student in 2 (two) or more study programs at Universitas Gadjah Mada in the same study period.
Every student has the rights to:
- Get academic services in accordance with statutory regulations and/or regulation/decisions set by the University;
- Get a sense of security and safety during activities at the University and/or related to University assignments, both academic and non-academic in accordance with statutory regulations and/or regulations or decisions set by the University;
- Get health care insurance in accordance with laws and regulations and/or regulations or decisions set by the University;
- Get the opportunity to improve academic, non-academic and/or skills other student activities in accordance with statutory regulations and/or regulations or decisions set by the University;
- Use University facilities responsibly;
- Convey aspirations and/or use academic freedom politely, constructive, and responsible; and
- Obtain and use a degree appropriate to the education level after passed based on the rules or decisions of the University.
Behavior of Students as Citizens
Every student is obliged to:
- Be an example of a well-mannered society, both in religious and social life;
- Be polite, and / or respect each other regardless of religion, gender, ethnicity, race, and / or group in social life;
- Respect other people’s opinions;
- Prioritizing deliberation and consensus in solving problems in the environment society;
- Interact harmoniously with the social and natural environment.
- Respect religion, belief, culture and/or customs; and
- Maintain order, security, and/or comfort in social life.
Every student is prohibited from engaging in anarchist and/or provocative actions that can disturb the security and/or harmony of the community.
In the event of receiving a dishonorable and/or undignified treatment from society, every student has the rights to get protection from the university.