June 26 is the day of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2021. Nations and people worldwide are helping each other to share the awareness to prevent drug abuse which can lead us to some negative aspects that can destroy the world’s sustainable development.
By the spirit of fighting against drug-abuse issues, Raja Bandar Universitas Gadjah Mada (Youth Task Force of Anti-Drugs in Universitas Gadjah Mada) and STAND DIY (Youth Task Force of Anti-Drugs in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) has collaboration and created ‘Anti-Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Festival’ by the name of SANTANA.
Santana has lots to offer to the people that want to participate in the event, such as Infographic Poster and Photo Twibbon Competition, Talk-Show and Seminar about Fighting Against Drug-Abuse, and In-Person Info Session of Anti-Drug Month.
We proudly present one of the public events, SANTANA Infographic Poster and Twibbon Competition. In the theme of “Perang Melawan Narkoba (War On Drugs) di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Menuju Indonesia Bersih Narkoba (Bersinar)”, all people can join our free competition by all of the info below:
- Infographic Poster Competition Information
- Twibbon Competition Information
If there any question related to the event or competition, please contact by these platforms
- Instagram @santana.festivalhani
- Contact Person by WhatsApp
Event: +6287885696823 (Syafira)
Poster Competition: +628988790021 (Anwar)
Twibbon Competition: +6285601002615 (Ali)