Course Title : The Physiology of Trees under Stress
Course degree : Masters elective course
Faculty : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Study Program : Veterinary Medicine
Number of Credits : 2 credits
Tuition Fee : Rp 1.000.000,-/credit
Class code : KTB 610
Eligibility : Graduate international students (foreign students)
Class coordinator : Ir. Eny Faridah, M.Sc., Ph.D. (enyfaridah@ugm.ac.id )
About this course
The subject raises various abiotic stresses, such as water limitation, drought, salinity, high temperature, water inundation, pollution and nutrient deficiency generally experienced by trees in tropical areas, the effects of stresses on plants’ physiological processes as well as on morphological, anatomical, physiological, cellular and molecular levels, and what to do to facilitate their responses at each level in tolerating the stresses. Explanation in detail is given on general mechanism of each stress and various responses developed by plants determining their degree of tolerance and resistance, and how to correlate these responses to management strategy of plant growth. In some cases, discussion raised will further analyze the effect and response at gene (RNA/DNA) level. The learning is designed to foster student’s critical attitude in understanding problems related to environmental stresses and their effects on plant physiological process changes, as well as on morphological, anatomical, and cellular aspects. Finishing this course, students will be able to explain and identify plants’ response mechanisms related to their tolerance levels. Students could also distinguish and compare the differences of physiological state in normal and stressed plants. Further, students could be able to analyze and criticize recent studies of environmental stress on plants, and apply their knowledge in selecting the appropriate silviculture treatments to facilitate plants’ response in order to support their growth.
No | Topics | Instructor Code | Duration
(@50 min) |
1 | Introduction (status of stress physiology in science, comparing ecology and physiology, basic terms of pants stress) | EF | 2 |
2 | Physiological basis of plant growth and cell membrane (growth and stress; membrane role, structure and composition; mechanisme to stress response) | EF | 2 |
3 | Nutrition and plant growth (nutrient uptake mechanism; functional groups of nutrients; effect of stress on nutrients) | WDA | 4 |
4 | Phytohormone (structural and physiological classes of phytohormone (PH), role of PH on plant stress, effect of stress on PH activity) | WDA | 2 |
5 | Salinity (reference site of salinization, species reference to salinity, salinity effect on plants & plant adaptation strategy on salinity stress) | EF | 2 |
6 | Plant carbon balance (carbon input and distribution in plants; different mechanisms of photosynthesis; carbon usage under stress)Plant carbon balance (carbon input and distribution in plants; different mechanisms of photosynthesis; carbon usage under stress) | EF | 2 |
7 | Water limitation (symptoms of water stress, plant-water relation, physiological effect and responses of water stress on plants | HHN | 2 |
8 | Inundation (wet habitat as reference, response mechanism to flood, effect of flood to growth) | HHN | 2 |
9 | High temperature & energy balance (poikilothermic mechanism, effect of high temperature to plant metabolism, response to balancing temperature) | EF | 2 |
10 | Air and soil pollutants (source of air and soil pollutants, damaging mechanism of pollutants, plant adaptation mechanism) | HHN | 4 |
11 | Multiple stress interaction (multistress response, plant mechanisms to multistress, facilitating plant response to multistress) | EF | 2 |
12 | Biotechnology & environmental stress (role of biotechnology study in understanding plant stress Cases of examples – journal analysis) | EF,
2 |
How to Apply
- We limit the maximum number of programs you can apply to 3 courses. After you read the detail about each programs, please kindly follow the instructions of apply here
- Then, you can start applying to admission.ugm.ac.id/register
- Find the course entitled ‘GAMA-iC’ in the Student Exchange category
- [IMPORTANT] If you register and complete the document requirements to:
- 1 course, you can apply to ‘GAMA-iC Spring Semester 2022 (1 course)’
- 2 courses, you can apply to ‘GAMA-iC Spring Semester 2022 (2 courses)’
- 3 courses, you can apply to ‘GAMA-iC Spring Semester 2022 (3 courses)’
- After that, you need to fill this form to select your course
- You will receive Letter of Offer before January, 12th 2021 and you need to pay the tuition fee based on your Letter of Offer (LO)
- After we received your payment, you will receive your Letter of Acceptance (LoA)