Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada invite academics, policy makers, practitioners, and students to participate in the 6th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development (GAMAICIED), 6th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Accounting and Finance (GAMAICIAF), and 6th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Business Research (GAMAICIBR).
The 6th GAMAICIED, 6th GAMAICIAF, and 6th GAMAICIBR are conferences aimed at providing a forum for sharing and promoting cutting-edge research in Islamic Economics and Development, Islamic Accounting and Finance, and Islamic Business Research. Those are also conferences aimed at facilitating intense and productive networking among academics, policy makers, practitioners, students and other interested parties.
“Business Continuity and Economic Recovery for Fostering Resilience During Critical Period: Some Notes from an Islamic Economics Perspective”
Sub topics:
- Maqashid As Syariah and Economic Policy amidst the Critical Period
- The Role of Islamic Social Finance Sector in the Time of Critical Period
- Economic and Religious Behavior in the Time of Critical Period
- New Normal and Digital Transformation during Pandemic
- Islamic Social Finance and Innovations for Poverty Alleviation
- Risk Sharing Economy for Stability and Resiliency During Critical Period
- Islamic History and economic recovery during critical period
- Institutions and Islamic Economy
- Covid-19 impact on Digital Economy
- Islamic Economy in the Post Pandemic Era, Digitalization and Sustainability
Sub topics:
- Halal Business in the Time of Pandemic: From Surviving to Recovery
- Halal Business and The Society: Solidarity, Mutual Help, and Burden Sharing
- Halal Economy for Organic Growth Towards Global Value Chain
- Islamic Entrepreneurship, MSMEs, and Startups in Digital Era
- Green Economy, Circular Economy, Business, and Clean Technologies
- Digital Business and Strategy
- Human Development in the Digital Era
- Covid-19 Impact on E-Commerce
- Tourism Marketing in the Digital Era
- Sustainable/Green Supply Chain
Sub topics:
- Digital Business Transformation in Islamic Banking Industry after Covid-19
- Financial Reporting and Auditing of Islamic Business Entity in the Time of Critical Period: Lessons to be Learned
- Financial Technology and Business Transformation
- Green Investment and Sustainable Finance
- Islamic Financial Development and Breakthrough Innovations during Pandemic
- Financial System in the Post Pandemic Era, Digitalization and Sustainability
- The Role of Social Finance in the Time of Critical Period
- Extended abstract or full paper submission deadline : August, 15th 2021
- Acceptance notification : August, 21th 2021
- Online registration (presenter) : September, 6th 2021
- Online registration (participants) : September, 13th 2021
- Conference date : September, 25th 2021
- Meet the editors (for selected papers) : October 4th, 2021
- The selected best papers will be awarded with total prize Rp15,000,000
- Special issue for selected papers:
International Journal of Economics and Management (Q3 Scopus)
- Fast track review for selected paper (no guarantee of acceptance)
- Journal of Strategic Marketing (Q1 Scopus)
- International Journal of Business and Society (Q3 Scopus)
- Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business (Q3 Scopus)
- Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (SINTA 2)
- Journal of Leadership in Organisation (SINTA 2)
For further details about submission, please follow the guideline in the following link: bit.ly/GuidelineGAMAICI
and for more info visit: https://gamaici.feb.ugm.ac.id/
Rizka (+62813-9201-4175)