The Indonesian Language and Culture Learning Service (INCULS) at Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Universitas Gadjah Mada, was established in 2000 as a substitute of what was formerly known as Pusat Studi Indonesia (PSI) from 1987, then Learning Bahasa Indonesia as A Foreign Language (LBIFL) from 1992 and Non-Afigned Government (NAG) in 1993. It aims to provide courses and workshops for foreigners who are interested in Indonesian, Indonesian Culture, and local languages.
The language teachers and tutors are trained in both the Natural Approach and the Communicative Teaching Method, in which direct pertinence to real-life situations and constant interaction are emphasized. The culture teachers are all qualified faculty members of various departments at Gadjah Mada University.
INCULS already offers regular programs for the University of California (UC) and The United State Indonesia Society (USINDO), as well as Monash University and The Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS). Private custom-designed course packets are also available. Private students come from Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, etc. Tutorials, classroom instruction, special courses, workshops, etc., are all negotiable. Weekend tours to special interest places, such as Borobudur Temple, the Sultan’s Palace, Mangkunegaran Palace, etc., can be arranged on request.
Regular Program
The Regular Program is held in 15-17 weeks (1 semester). Each year we have 2 semesters of regular programs. The 1st semester begins in the midweek of August or the first week of September and the 2nd semester begins in the midweek of January or the first week of February every year.
The students are grouped in the beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes based on the placement tests, which consist of written and oral tests. Each student is assigned to take 12 credits (mean 12 hours/week) in this program, which consists of language classes (reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, conversation, Translation Indonesian/Japanese – English, and Indonesian for Research).
The Tuition Fee for this Regular Program is the IDR 13.692.300,00/semester for offline class. This tuition fee only covers the academic fees, including course books and exercise books.
As an addition, INCULS also organized:
- Special lectures (on the Indonesian economy, cultures, politics, history, literature, etc.),
- Village studies,
- Tutorial with UGM students,
- Cooking Indonesian foods, and
- Workshops (making batik, gamelan, traditional dance, etc.).
These additional courses are tentative, and the students taking these courses have to pay additional fees.
At the end of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion and a Transcript signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University
Facilities provided include:
- Beverages (freshwater, coffee, and tea)*
- Air-conditioned classroom*
- Reading room/library*
- Free internet access
*) for Offline Class
How to apply
Each student has to send an application letter together with the following documents:
- Curriculum vitae (resume, student data)
- Bank statements and letter of guarantee indicating financial ability to participate in an education program in Indonesia.
- Copies of academic records and diplomas
- Letter of recommendation from the applicant’s school or institution
- letter of recommendation from the Indonesian Embassy in the applicant’s country
- A letter stating that the applicant will not engage in a job during his/her time of study and will obey the Indonesian laws and regulations
- Four passport-sized (3 x 4 cm) photographs
- A copy of the applicant’s passport, showing the applicant’s picture and the date of issue and expiry. The passport must be valid for the entire period of study in Indonesia
- Statement of good health from the applicant’s doctor.
Intensive Program
The intensive program can begin at any time convenient to the participants. This Intensive Program consists of classroom instructions,–class tutorials, special lectures, field trips, and workshops. For this intensive program, we can also design a program adjusted to the study’s length (the number of hours) and the student’s budget. At the end of the program, students will be given a certificate of completion and a transcript signed by the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences Gadjah Mada University.
For this intensive program, the Batik workshop and Special Lectures can only be provided if there are at least 4 participants. When there is/are only 1-3 participants, INCULS will add the tutorial hour from only 2hours/week into 5 hours/week. If you/your group are still interested in taking the workshop and the special lecture, there will be some additional fee.
Facilities provided
- Beverages (freshwater, coffee, and tea)
- Air-conditioned classroom
- Reading room/library
- Airport pick-up service on the first day
INCULS will not be responsible for the student’s accommodation. INCULS students usually stay in boarding houses/homestays/guest houses around the campus. We do not make any arrangements for students’ accommodation unless there is a special request from an institution. But we can help by providing the list of boarding houses and other information if needed.
How to apply:
Each student has to send an application letter together with the following documents:
1. Curriculum vitae (resume, student data)
2. Four passport sized (3 x 4 cm) photographs
3. A copy of applicant’s passport, showing the applicant’s picture and the date of issue and expiry. The passport must be valid for the entire period of study in Indonesia.
More Information
For further information about the INCULS program, please kindly contact:
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Nusantara 1, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281 – Indonesia
Phone: (62-274) 901137, 513096 ext.217
Fax: (62-274) 550451/566171
Instagram: @inculsugm
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