Student Exchange

UGM proudly maintains student exchange agreements with numerous esteemed universities worldwide. This program, offered every semester, allows our students to embark on a transformative journey of learning and cultural exchange. The exchange duration typically spans one to two semesters, depending on the specific agreement with each partner university.

Nomination Process:

To participate in the exchange program, interested students must first be nominated by their home university. This nomination is a crucial step that sets the stage for a seamless transition into the UGM academic community.

Language of Instruction:

While the primary language of instruction at Universitas Gadjah Mada is Bahasa Indonesia, we recognize and cater to our diverse international student body. In support of a truly global learning experience, most classes in the exchange program are conducted in English. This ensures that our international students can fully engage with the curriculum and feel at home in the academic environment.

Key Features of the Exchange Program:

1. Cultural Immersion: Beyond the classroom, our exchange program encourages students to immerse themselves in Indonesian culture and traditions. From vibrant festivals to historical landmarks, Yogyakarta offers a rich cultural experience.

2. Academic Excellence: UGM is renowned for its academic excellence, and the exchange program provides students with access to top-notch faculty, cutting-edge research facilities, and a wide range of courses.

3. Global Networking: The program facilitates the building of global networks and friendships, connecting students with peers from around the world. These connections often prove invaluable both academically and personally.

Support and Resources:

UGM is dedicated to ensuring the success and well-being of our exchange students. Our international office provides support services, including orientation programs, language assistance, and guidance throughout the exchange period.

Join us at UGM for an unforgettable international academic experience. Explore new horizons, broaden your perspectives, and make lifelong connections. We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant academic community!



Please note that you have to be nominated and complete all of the application materials before the deadline. We would like to emphasize that the deadline is strictly regulated as the process itself may takes time for five months due to the complex bureaucracy in requesting the study permits and visa process.

SemesterAcademic PeriodNomination DeadlineApplication Deadline
ODDAugust – December 2024February 1 – 29, 2024February 20 – April 20, 2024
EVENFebruary – June 2025August 1 – 30, 2024August 20 – October 18, 2023


Here are the application materials needed to apply for student exchange program:

  1. Guarantor for Financial Support (document available on admission system)
  2. Personal Statement (document available on admission system)
  3. Curriculum Vitae (document available on admission system)
  4. Scanned copy of passport (contains personal information). The passport must be valid for at least 24 months.
  5. Scanned copy of passport cover
  6. Recommendation letter/nomination letter from home institution
  7. Copy of academic records and diplomas
  8. Copy of language certificate (one of the following)
    TOEFL: 550 (paper-based);
    IELTS: no less than 5.5;
    iBT: minimum 70
  9. Good health statement from applicant’s doctor
  10. 4 passport size photographs

Application process is carried out through admission system.

Process & Procedures

After the application is received by UGM Admission, students’ complete documents will be processed to obtain several compulsory documents to study in Indonesia which are:

  1. Approval letter from Faculty
  2. Study Permit
  3. Visa Authorization

Once the complete documents are received through the admission system, OIA will process them to the Faculty (based on your requested study plan) for the selection process. The selection process will be done in around one month and the result is the Approval Letter from the Faculty.


As soon as we receive this approval, we will process a Letter of Offer which explains the details including the fees that student need to accomplish. After the payment is confirmed, we will issue Letter of Acceptance. Meanwhile, the process of Study Permit to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and Telex Visa to Directorate General Immigration in Indonesia is conducted.

The next process is visa application. More details on visa and immigration matters can be found on this page.

Additional Information:

Free Mover

In addition to nominated students from UGM’s partner universities, other students with the following criteria are also eligible to apply for student exchange program as a ‘free mover’:

  1. Students from partner universities but not officially nominated by home university.
    In this case, you still have to apply through your home university as a self-funded exchange student.
  2. Students from university which does not have an exchange agreement with UGM yet.

We welcome a limited number of exchange students from non-partner universities every semester. However, exchange students from partner universities have priority rights considering specific entry requirements, limited capacity and so on.